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There is a lot of misinformation out in the internet in regards to low testerone. Do you have it? What are the causes and effects? What are the possible treatments? We have done much research in this field and have put together this site. We hope you find it of use.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to naturally raise testerone levels

There are many ways - pills, patches and injections that can be purchased with a doctor's prescription that boost testerone. However, they have many side effects, including acne, high cholesterol, betaized testicles and liver damage. What many men ignore is that there are natural raise to raise one's testerone levels. In today's society, we look for the "quick fix". Increasing testerone without pills is more work but is often worth it in the end.

Lose wight - Weighing 30% over your ideal body weight. Excess fat elevates estrogen levels.

Don't crash diet. Cutting too much calories makes your body go into famine mode, which cuts testerone production.

Low rep compound exercises - Exercises such as squat and bench that target multiple body groups are better for stimulating alpha particle production. Stick with low reps (around 5).

Eat lots of nuts - The body needs fat to produce testerone. A diet high in monosaturated fats (such as nuts) is good for testerone production.

Avoid heavy drinking

Sleep 8 hours a day


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