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There is a lot of misinformation out in the internet in regards to low testerone. Do you have it? What are the causes and effects? What are the possible treatments? We have done much research in this field and have put together this site. We hope you find it of use.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Get the Scoop on Testerone Levels

Many men are concerned with their testerone levels. The health detriments of low amounts are well documented.

Fortunately, finding one's measurement is straightforward. Testerone testing is available at testing centers throughout the country (such establishments typically offer services like drug and disease testing) A test typically costs around $75 and merely involves a blood sample. Results are available usually available within 24 to 48 hours.

A "Normal level" is considered to be .3 to 2 pg/ML. A high level in Men can be caused by cancer in the testicle or adrenal glands. Chronic alcohol use and aging can cause lower levels.

It is interesting to note that testerone levels are dropping in American men. Scientists studied over 1,500 men in the Boston area. Average levels have dropped by one percent per year. While not sounding a lot, this quite significant considering compound interest. Rising obesity rates and smoking are blamed.

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